4 Quotes & Sayings By Kara Tippetts

Kara is the bestselling author of over twenty-five books, with most of her major works published by Simon & Schuster. She recently completed her first book for children. Her work has been featured in national magazines including USA Today, The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Child Magazine, and Reader's Digest. A giver in every sense of the word, Kara is a member of multiple boards and her non-profit organization, The Kara Tippetts Foundation, supports causes that improve the lives of others Read more

Jesus didn’t have to extend His love. He didn’t have to think of me when He went up on that cross. He didn’t have to rewrite my story from one of beauty to one of brokenness and create a whole new brand of beauty. He simply didn’t have to do it, but He did. He bought me. He bought me that day He died, and He showed His power when He overcame death and rose from the grave. He overcame my death in that moment. He overcame my fear of death in that unbelievable, beautiful moment, and the fruit of that death, that resurrection, and that stunning grace is peace. It is the hardest peace, because it is brutal. Horribly brutal and ugly, and we want to look away, but it is the greatest, greatest story that ever was. And it was, and it is. Kara Tippetts
If I never point out the sin and struggle in the hearts of my children, and merely direct their behavior to please me, then when will they know they need a Savior? Kara Tippetts
I longed to not withhold love when it was inconvenient to give it. Those faces [of her children] helped motivate me to want to know Jesus well, and to live near Him and listen to His Spirit as I walked in faith with my family. Kara Tippetts